
My Nursery follows the British Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum delivered using best practices from different early years education philosophies such as the Montessori approach and Reggio Emilia approach.

About EYFS – The Early Years Foundation Stage ( EYFS ) is a preschool education framework established by the British Government, it was launched in 2002, and has been recently updated. The EYFS programme has seven primary focus areas.

Personal, Social and Emotional development ( PSED ) We encourage children to become independent and self confident, and make positive relationships with their peers and adults. Successful personal, social and emotional development is critical for young children for success in all other areas of learning and development.

Communication, Language ( CL ) My Nursery Nursery provides a language rich learning environment which gives children opportunities for speaking and listening and for sharing their ideas and feelings.

Literacy ( L ) Through listening to stories and sharing a wide range of books the children will develop a love of reading. At the same time they will learn about the shapes and sounds of letters through songs, rhymes and our Jolly Phonics programme.

Mathematics ( M ) This area of learning includes working with numbers, shapes, space and measures, and counting, sorting and matching. Children are encouraged to develop their experience of numbers, pattern, shapes and measurement through structured play.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World ( KUW ) Young children are inquisitive to find out more and more about the world they live in and the people they encounter. Children at My Nursery are encouraged to explore and investigate materials and to question how things work. This area of learning and development forms the foundation for later work in science, design and technology, history, geography, and information and communication technology (ICT).

Physical development ( PD )  My Nursery gives children ample opportunities for the healthy development of body and physical skills. Activities to promote gross motor skills include running, climbing, jumping, hopping, skipping, riding tricycles, throwing and catching balls and bean bags and watering plants. Fine motor skills are encouraged using a variety of resources including play dough, paint, crayons, scissors, beads and puzzles.

Creative development ( CD ) / Visual / Spatial Creativity is fundamental to successful learning. We give our children opportunities to share their thoughts, ideas and feelings through art, music, movement, dance, imaginative and role play activities.