The purpose of this policy is to ensure that when an accident occurs in My Nursery, appropriate action is taken, and accurate information is recorded and communicated.

It is the responsibility of every member of staff to ensure that accidents and injuries are dealt with appropriately and swiftly.

The safety of your child is paramount, every measure will be taken to protect your child from hurting themselves. However sometimes accidents do unavoidably happen, and the following procedure will be carried out in dealing with the situation:

  • The child will be comforted and reassured.
  • The extent of the injury will be assessed and if necessary, call for medical support/ambulance.
  • The first aid procedures will be carried out, if necessary, by a trained first aider
  • Once the child is more settled, the parent/carer will be contacted and informed of the accident and if necessary, to ask you to return to care for your child/meet me at the hospital.
  • A phone call to the parents or carers will always be made following a head injury.

After every accident, however minor:

  • An incident report will be completed, signed, and witnessed.
  • The parent/carer is asked to sign the accident report and receives a copy.
  • Accidents are logged and evaluated at the end of each month, any patterns in accidents or injuries will be risk assessed and adaptions to the room, garden or routine will be made to ensure accidents/ incidents are kept to a minimum.

If the incident requires any medical treatment:

  • Inform Ofsted immediately – or at least within 14 days (under Standard 14.3 Children Act regulation, inform Ofsted about any significant events)
  • Inform Insurance Company
  • Contact the Early Years for additional advice/supportIn the case of a head injury.
    • Ensure the parent has been phoned to notify.
    • Ensure the child is given an I bumped my head sticker.
    • Monitor the child thoroughly throughout the day for any changes in health.

    We follow the guidelines of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR), the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for the reporting of accidents and incidents.         First aid: At My Nursery we pride ourselves on having 100% of staff paediatric firs aid trained. First aid boxes are dotted around the nursery and visibly labelled up with an up-to-date inventory/item list.The manager is responsible for making sure that all medical information and emergency contact details on the children’s documents/files are up to date and accurate.When an accident occurs, it is the responsibility of the first aider to determine whether the injury can be dealt with in the setting or if medical assistance is required.

     Accident & Incident Procedures

    An accident is an unfortunate event or occurrence that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in an injury, for example tripping over and hurting your knee. An Incident is an event or occurrence that is related to another person, typically resulting in an injury, for example being pushed over and hurting your knee.                 Dealing with Accidents or Incidents to Children

    We keep written records of all accidents, incidents, or injuries to a child together with any first aid treatment given. Any event, however minor, is recorded by completion of an “accident/incident report” and the procedure is the same for both types of events as follows:

    • An accident/incident report is completed by a member of staff who witnessed the event.
    • The form must be written accurately and clearly.                                                                 The form must include:
      • Whether it is an accident or incident being recorded
      • Date of accident/incident
      • Time of accident/incident
      • Name and signature of person who dealt with the accident/incident.
      • Description of accident/incident
      • Description of care given
      • Name of person who gave care (this must be a paediatric first aid qualified member of staff)
      • Description of injury (if applicable)
      • Position of injury illustrated (use body map if necessary)
      • Witness signature
      • Counter signature (must be qualified practitioner)
      • Signature of parent/carer


      In the event of an incident, both accident and incident reports must be completed. The name of any other child involved in an accident/incident report must remain confidential.